NLP and Hypnosis Coaching Podcast | Personal Development, Success Stories, and Expert Advice

NLP and Hypnosis Coaching Podcast | Personal Development, Success Stories, and Expert Advice

Hosted by: Doug OBrien

Listen to our coaching podcast for expert advice, personal development insights, and success stories. Explore NLP and hypnosis topics.

All Episodes


Episode 122 - Tolerations. How to stop tolerating those tolerations

Episode #122

Tolerations. We all tolerate many things. Some small, some large, and many we need to stop tolerating so we can make our life vastly more of what we want it to be. It is amazing what progress can be made when we...
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Episode 121 - Marilou Seavey - NLP has been a Life Saver in the Face of Crisis

Episode #121

Changing peoples lives for the better has all been in a days work for Marilou Seavey, and her husband, Jerry. But when Jerry's sudden fall down, a flight of stairs, changed their lives in an instant, Marilou...
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Episode 120 - Tara O’Grady. Dream Coach, Singer Songwriter, Intuitive Educator and Bliss Ambassador

Episode #120

Tara O'Grady is a singer-songwriter, author, and intuitive educator who calls herself a Bliss Ambassador. In addition to producing and recording five albums of original jazz, blues and folk music, she published her...
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Episode 119: Aldo Civico - Why has a Conflict Resolution Expert embrace The Havening Techniques®?

Episode #119

Aldo Civico, is an Anthropologist, Executive Coach, Conflict Negotiator and now, a Havening Techniques® Trainer. Aldo was nominated by Global Gurus in the world's top experts on leadership.  In today's episode I'll...
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Episode 118 - Debra Russell - A Coach with a ”Rich and Colorful History.”

Episode #118

Debra Russell is a dynamo. She has been described as a woman with a B.S. Detector that's unmatched and has definitely lived life on her own terms. You'll love her as much as I do and get inspired at the same...
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Episode 117 - What is the difference between the MetaModel and the Milton Model? And how do we use them?

Episode #117

NLP developed two language model super valuable in Coaching. One is the Meta Model, that we've talked about in previous episodes. The other is the Milton Model. Today we'll explore them both and give you some...
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Episode 116 - NLP’s ”Meta model” & how it Truly is an Essential Coaching Skill

Episode #116

In today's episode we examine NLP's "Meta Model" (the art of asking good questions). We learn a few choice "Meta Model" questions and how important it is to utilize this questioning technique from NLP to get a more...
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Episode 115 - Letting Death be your Advisor

Episode #115

Aron Copland one said there is nothing as inspirational as a deadline. That's true in life as well, and it's curious that when we make peace with death we can more fully appreciate and cherish life and live it to the...
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Episode 114 - My first Live Podcast - All about the Summit!

Episode #114

The Impactful Coaching Summit goes live tomorrow, Sept 28th. Join us here: Hear all about who you'll see at the summit and what you're going to learn!
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Episode 113 - Self Care for Coaches and other Humans using Self-Hypnosis

Episode #113

In this episode we explore how to use self hypnosis to maximize our self-care and improve our rapport with our own unconscious minds. Doug teaches the "Betty Erickson Special" method of self hypnosis. You can also...
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Episode 113 - Self Hypnosis and a Coach’s Self Care

Episode #112

In this episode of the essential coaching skills podcast Doug describes the "Betty Erickson Special" method of doing self hypnosis and why it is so important for our continued self-care as coaches. Of course, it is...
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Episode 112- Lana Popovich, Shadow Integration Coach

Episode #111

Lana Popovich is a Shadow Integration Coach: helping individuals realize goals and aspirations through working with their unconscious. Combining Jungian psychology with disciplines of Eastern and Western alchemy...
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