Episode 69 Interview with Debra Heslin- NLP Master Trainer and so much more

Episode #68

Debra Heslin is a Certified Master Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Time Line, Hypnosis and Coaching with NLP Coaching and has conducted trainings with students from around the world. She is also certified as a trainer and/or practitioner in many other modalities including HeartMath® Havening, Canfield Success Principles, High Performance Coaching, and others. Debra also worked as the head in-house for one of the largest NLP transformational training companies in the world where she coached other professionals further develop their skills to coach or train others. Born and raised in Australia, now lives permanently in the United States with her husband, three daughters and eight grandchildren, she makes mindfulness, working out, and yoga part of her daily routine.



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