Peter Blum is a Certified Hypnotist, living in Woodstock, NY. He has had a full-time practice in medical and clinical hypnosis since 1987, has worked with over 20,000 clients, and has been honored with many awards, most recently (2021) being inducted into the Hypnosis Hall of Frame. As a certified instructor, he has trained hundreds of healers, health professionals, and counselors, in the spiritual art of hypnosis. During the 90’s he served as Director of Stress Management for the Rhinebeck Health Center, under the supervision of Dr. Kenneth Bock and Dr. Steven Bock.
He has also had a parallel career in the field of shamanic sound healing. Traveling through the U.S., Mexico, Canada, and the Caribbean, he has shared sound baths, personal sound healing sessions, and sonic therapy trainings in many settings including hypnosis conferences, yoga studios, Menla Retreat Center, the Omega Institute, and the U.N. Between 1999 and 2018, he released seven recordings primarily featuring healing meditative sounds, and in 2019, wrote and published “TranceSonics - The Vital Link Between Sound Healing and Hypnosis”
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