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Episode 136 - What I Learned from Dave (Dobson). Dr. Harlan Kilstein and Dr. Clifford Saunders.

Episode #136

In this first of, hopefully, many conversations about Dr. Dave Dobson and his work, I'm joined by "repeat offenders" Dr. Harlan Kilstein and Dr. Clifford Saunders. Dr. Dave Dobson was the developer of O.T.C.C., or 'Other-Than-Conscious Communication." He was a great hypnotherapist some compared to Milton Erickson. However he has not left a huge footprint in the field due to his reticence to have his work be misrepresented. Today I am joined by two gentlemen who, like me, were "repeat offenders" in Dobson's joking term, meaning we went to more than one of Dave's "Funshops" over the years.

Clifford is also known as the Brain Reprogramming Doctor and you can find out more about him here: www.thebrainreprogrammingdoctor.com.

Harlan is an author, entrepreneur, and lifestyle coach and you can find out more about him here: www.harlankilstein.com.


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