Every Coach
Needs A Coach

– and Doug O’Brien has been the coach to thousands of people over his career.

My coaching tools will make you stand out from
your competition. So you can turn your side hustle
into your main game.

I invested more than 30 years to ENSURE these tools
work for every kind of coach. Now they’re READY for
you to implement in your business starting TODAY!

- Doug O’Brien

Doug O’Brien

About Me

Doug O’Brien

Doug O’Brien is a Master Practitioner and Trainer of NLP, and a Certified Hypnotherapist. Doug O’Brien is internationally recognized as an expert in Ericksonian Hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Havening. 

He can show you how to use those powerful tools to overcome fears, reduce your stress, or create new positive habits.

As a Hypnotherapist he worked with Dr. Oz to help create the Department of Complementary Medicine at Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital in New York City. He served as a “Master Trainer” in Tony Robbins’s organization, teaching others to become coaches. 

Now as a peak-performance coach Doug works with a wide range of individuals from rodeo bull riders to Manhattan CEOs and Broadway actors.

Doug is the Author of “The User’s Guide to Sleight of Mouth,” “Step Up to Mastery with E.A.S.E.,” and creates healing recordings of hypnotic inductions and music.

"I have known Doug O’Brien for many years and have been consistently impressed with his skill and integrity. Doug is one of the rare teachers who is able to integrate NLP and Ericksonian hypnosis, so that students develop both conscious and unconscious competence. I confidently endorse him as a trainer, and as a person. Teaching NLP"

Robert Dilts

Co-Developer of NLP and Author of NLP Vol 1

A Message From Doug


I’m very glad you stopped by. Creating this has been a labor of love and represents a huge portion of my life’s work under one roof.

Here you will find the very best of my teaching of NLP, Neo-Ericksonian Hypnosis and Sleight of Mouth in a cost-effective, yet thorough and comprehensive way.

You can learn on your own, in a self-directed way with the classes that have been assembled over the past year or so, or you can do that and add a live, once-a-week master class.

Pick one of the three areas of focus or dive in and enjoy them all.

However you decide is best for you, you can be sure you will actually LEARN, in a functional way, these essential coaching skills and become the VERY BEST coach you can be. This master skills-set is the road to earning top dollar in the growing coaching industry because you will be able to help your clients actually get to where they want to go.

Plus - it’s fun. You’ll enjoy learning and getting to where YOU want to go.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me. I look forward to connecting with you.


Doug O’Brien

Three Killer Coaching Tools


Essentials of NLP

Essentials of NLP

Neuro-Linguistic Programming – it’s the coaching method that best-selling author and speaker Tony Robbins made famous. 

Learn More


Neo-Ericksonian Hypnosis Training

Neo-Ericksonian Hypnosis Training

Hypnosis is a coaching tool that creates hyper-focus on a topic that a client wants to change in their life.

Learn More


Sleight of Mouth

Sleight of Mouth

This NLP technique allows coaches and other professionals to confidently persuade others, win more debates, and close more sales with ease.

Learn More

Longtime colleague and
Coach Jim Kelley said it best:

What’s so cool about the way Doug practices NLP, Ericksonian Hypnosis and Sleight of Mouth, is that he's saying by learning these three tools, you can up level your personal performance.

It’s great because you can help yourself become a better person. You can get better results out of your life. You can even be happier.

As a coach or professional who needs to manage, communicate, encourage, and persuade, your performance will improve as you work with others — all of which supports your mission and purpose.

I’ve known Doug for many years and have directly experienced his skills and expertise. I recommend you go ahead and work with Doug - it’s powerful & you’ll have fun as you grow.

Jim Kelley, Director and Founder

ChangeWorks Institute

Final Call

I’m willing to bet that you’re beginning to understand the value that these three powerful coaching tools can bring to you and your clients. From the convenience of your home, you can take these online coach trainings starting today.

Learn one and level up your skills by expanding your coaching toolkit. Learn all three and develop a cutting-edge, nuanced skill set that few have – making your coaching skills more effective and leaving your competitors wondering how you get the results you do.

If you’re ready to take the next step in building your coaching practice, then join me

I am ready to level up my coaching skills
Doug O’Brien

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